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What is the Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is simply when a shop doesn’t hold stock, but the shop’s supplier does, and they then send it directly to the customer. The box the customer receives will generally also only contain the shop’s info and nothing that indicates it came directly from the supplier.

As a shop owner, that must seem a particularly great idea. You then don’t have the risk associated with holding a vast inventory, you also don’t have to worry about ordering 50 frames in red, and it turns out this year’s colour is blue. You’ll also not be paying for the storage of these items, and you won’t need to invest in a warehouse staff.

Why you Dropshipping

  • Lower capital investment. As we mentioned above, your overheads will be lower, and this will keep your monthly overheads down as well. If you’re just setting out on your retail adventures, this can be the difference from being able to start or your idea just remaining a dream. You’ll also only buy the product when a customer has purchased it, meaning you’ll have less risk and cost associated with getting that first customer.
  • Easier to start. You’ll have fewer logistics to worry about when you start. You’ll not need to worry about packaging, what freight companies to use, tracking your stock levels, or have to handle returns.
  • You can start at your house.You won’t need business premises to start a dropshipping business. You’ll just need the get-up and go to get get it started. You might even be able to keep your current job going until you have the business working out.
  • Easy to build. Imagine you hit the ground running. You nail the marketing, and you picked the right products. Your orders are 5x what you expected, and it is a lot easier to scale a dropshipping business up to meet this demand. Imagine the extra works you would need to hire, extra space, and the logistics of growing at the speed if you owned /rented premises.

If you are interested please feel free to contact 

Who can become our dropshipper

1.Traditional merchants who have own bicycle shops

2.The digital marketer who have own biker audience

3. E-commerce workers

4.The influencer in bike industry

How To Become ICAN Dropshipper

The Steps For Dropshipping you should know

Step 1:Email us to apply for becoming our dropshipper

The content of your email should include:

The subject :Apply for becoming ICAN dropshipper

Contact details: full name, company name,phone number, country, address information

Reason for application: Tell us why you can become our dropshipper. The content should include how you sell products, such as websites, social media, e-commerce platforms, etc.

Pleasae privide more informationa as possible, so you will pass the application quickly.

Expectations: please tell us how many sales you expect to bring in a month.

Tip: Please sure your application email should have all the above informations, otherwise your application will be rejected.

Step 2:Waiting to be reviewed

Wait for our staff’s review patiently please , we will reply within 7 working days.

Step 3: Establish a partnership

Our goal is to achieve a win-win situation.Any of your sales methods must not damage the user experience and affect the ICAN brand reputation.

What is my exclusive code and dropshipping price?

Once you pass the application and become our dropshipper, you will get your exclusive code and dropshipping price in the email.

Attention:Your selling price cannot be lower than the official retail price of ICAN Cycling, otherwise your qualification will be cancelled.

Step 4 :Start selling your dropshipping products

To find any sales opportunities. You can use all product pictures and product descriptions on our website.

Step 5: Place your dropshipping order

Please place the order directly on our website by using your email and enter your customer's address and exclusive discount code on the checkout page.

Step 6: Ship your dropshipping order

Once you get an order, we will ship it within 7 working days.

Please ensure that the customer's order information is correct.

Step 7:Order completed

The important FAQ

1.Which products i can sell ?

Because of the current rising demand, many products are out of stock.

You can only sell the following products that available for inventory.

Tips:All products do not include shipping and taxes except the products from overseas warehouse

What dropshipping price i can get?

Please contact us by email. You should tell me your relevant information, such as promotion channels, website, social media, etc. Otherwise you will be rejected.

Could you provide the no-logo product?
All shipped products default to products have the logo.If you want no-logo product,you will need to contact us.