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Best Road Bike Wheels Under $500

by perry zhou 24 Jan 2024
road bike


Your road bike's performance mostly depends on the wheel you choose. We shall look at the world of road bike wheels in this piece, covering the differences between rim brake and disc brake wheels, the benefits each brings, and lastly, why ICAN's Alpha rim brake and disc brake wheels stand out as great choices for riders on a budget.

Understanding road bike wheels

Road bike wheels play a major role in determining motorcycles' experiences. Among them there is a hub, spokes, and a rim. Selection of wheels can influence everything, including stability, speed, and overall handling.


Difference Between Rim Brake and Disc Brake Wheels

Road bike wheel design largely varies in the braking mechanism. 

By pressing the rim of the wheel with a caliper, rim brake wheels slow the bike. Conversely, disc brake wheels have a rotor attached to the hub, and braking is achieved with a caliper holding the rotor. Each kind has unique advantages.

Advantages of Road Bike Rim brake wheels
Two well-known features of rim brake wheels are simple design and low maintenance. 

Popular among riders focused on speed and efficiency, they are usually smaller and more aerodynamic.

Advantages of Road Bike Disc Brake Wheels

Disc brake wheels provide outstanding braking power, especially in challenging or rainy conditions. 

Their better control and modulation support safety through means of control. 

Disc brake wheels also allow wider tire clearance, which gives versatility for numerous riding conditions.


Choosing the Right Depth for Climbing and Wind-Breaking

Wheel performance can be much affected by the depth of its rim. For climbing, shallow rims—like 35mm and 40mm—are better since they are lighter and provide better handling. Deeper rims fit flat or rolling terrain since they offer improved aerodynamics and wind-breaking action. 

Like 50mm and 55mm, a moderate depth provides a flexible balance for different riding circumstances.


ICAN's Alpha Rim Brake and Disc Brake Wheels

ICAN's Alpha series wheels under $500 are famous for their low-weight carbon rims, high-quality hubs, and inexpensive cost. Fast and effective, the Alpha rim brake wheels were built with climbing ability in mind. On the other hand, since they provide top attention to braking performance and versatility, the Alpha disc brake wheels fit varied terraces.

Alpha 40 Disc Pro $475

Alpha 40 Disc Pro $475




In the realm of road wheel bikes, your riding style and conditions will determine both the rim's depth and the type of brake you choose—disc or rim. 

For riders looking for high-performance wheels without breaking the budget, ICAN's Alpha line effectively combines lightweight construction, quality components, and reasonably priced materials.

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