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Why you should choose light carbon wheels

by willis wang 29 Apr 2022

In a racing bike, the wheels, after the frame, are the most important component on which to invest economic resources.

In the early years of the 21st century the first carbon wheels came out but aroused many suspicions. Their light weight and structure made them dangerous and difficult to drive, as braking on a carbon rim was much less effective than with an aluminum wheel. Today, however, studies on wheels have evolved and have reached incredible levels of depth. 20 years after their introduction, all professionals use carbon wheels, in all weather conditions and on any type of road. Even in off-road the same rule applies. Even in downhill carbon fiber is used, and this, therefore, can let us understand how much safety there is behind such a product.

A carbon wheel is better than an aluminum wheel because, first of all, it is lighter. Carbon fiber weighs less than aluminum and it is therefore easier to save grams on a bulky component such as a wheel. Lightness in cycling is everything, between a pair of carbon wheels and one in aluminum there can be even 800 grams of difference which on a total weight of 7 kg is a lot.

In addition to lightness, carbon has another quality that makes it perfect for cycling: stiffness. Losing less power is one of the most important objectives in this sport, and carbon fiber, with its incredible stiffness, is able to give life to wheels that flex little and are able to unload all the power on the asphalt.

Lightness and stiffness ensure that the rolling of the wheel is as smooth as possible, guaranteeing great energy savings over long distances, but also an incredible reactivity in the short term when you want to accelerate.

All of this, when added to the construction of carbon wheels with a higher profile, also makes them incredibly aerodynamic. Aerodynamics is the most studied subject in modern cycling as it can save the cyclist a lot of energy. A carbon wheel with a 50 mm profile guarantees excellent air penetration, which means less air resistance and greater smoothness.

Surely a high-profile wheel will change your driving style, leading you to have to be more careful in curves and on days with a little wind, but if you don't feel like using such wheels, you can always choose 40 intermediate profiles. or 30 millimeters, which are versatile and usable on any type of route.

In the past, braking with carbon wheels was complicated, the braking track got very hot and braking became very long. Fortunately, wheel manufacturers have managed to eliminate this problem which, also thanks to the advent of disc brakes, has definitively disappeared.

Having light carbon wheels today means lasting less effort, wasting less energy, and being much faster in every phase of the race: from high-speed descents to climbs with a high slope. Lightness, aerodynamics and stiffness are the key to the success of carbon wheels in the world of cycling.

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