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Why do you want a carbon bike

by willis wang 28 Feb 2022
Why do you want a carbon bike

What is the first image that comes to your mind if i tell you the word "carbon"? Probabily if you're a chemistry student you will think about the chemical element. A boring element on the period chart that don't give you emotions while if you are a sports guy this word will arouse some emotions in you, i can bet on it. You will think to a concept of lightness, highs prestations and quality that become more and more important if you are a cyclist.

Carbon fiber for a cyclist is life. An ultralight frame or a couple of wheels with 50mm of aero profile can give more emotions than a supercar. This is possibile because in cycling you spend a lot of time on your bike and take a lot of effort on your carbon frame. The truth is that your bicycle is your travel companion who shares adventures and misadventures with you but it's also the means by which you can reach your goals: win a race, improve a record on a climb, defeat your friend on Strava or get a Kom on your local uphill. A simple carbon bike is the tool that allow us to fulfill ourselves humanly.

Do you really need a carbon bike 

If you ask me if a carbon bike can speak i will answer you: yes it can.

If you are an owner of a not aero carbon frame with very light wheels you will tell me that you love climb, you love when your Garmin say that you're doing your best time on the uphill and that you're going at 20km/h on a 9% climb instead if you have an aero bike with high profile wheels i can say that you love when the street in front of you is straight and you can push all your power on the pedals and make high average speeds.

Brand is a factor in whether you will buy a carbon bike

There is another thing that speaks about a bike: the brand. If you buy a Pinarello a Colnago or a Specialized probabily you don't want to buy only a bike but also a brand and all the image that it carries with it. So for you, yes of course the quality of the product that comes from the reputation of the brand is important but is not all. You need a bike that can associate you to a community.

On the contrary and luckly if i see a guy with a no logo bike i think "wow where is it from?". Thankfully there are guys that love to try something unknown, that aren't afraid about the "no logo" or a little known brand and that see in it a new chance, a new beginning.

For a more sostenible cycling, for a cycling for all, for rich and for people with less money, a carbon bike with a low price means redemption. Sports must be accessible to all like the entertainment an a cheaper carbon bike but with excellence prestations can be the solutions of this problem.

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