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Carbon Clincher Wheels vs Tubeless Ready Wheels
The article will tell you the difference between Carbon Clincher Wheels vs Tubeless Ready Wheels.

5 Factors to Consider When Buying Bike Wheels

It is already well known that carbon wheelsets are the ultimate upgrades if you are looking for cutting edge tech. Road bikes are all about speed and this is impossible to do if you are not well equipped. The most crucial aspect of picking the right wheelset for the job is having the knowledge on what to buy.The article will tell you the all Factors to Consider when buying wheelsets 2022.


4 Important factors affect MTB wheelsets'performance you should the article you will know how to choose the best carbon MTB wheels for you!

Guides to Carbon Road Wheels 2024

Carbon road bike wheels, there are thousands of options available. Just looking through all the options can be a highly confusing task, and once you put a marketing spin on it, it just gets worse. That is why we’ve put together a carbon road bike wheels buyers guide. Once we’ve broken down the terminology used, you’ll find it easier to make an informed decision and buy the road bike wheels that best suit you.

The best affordable 40mm depth carbon road bike wheels FL40
How do I upgrade my road bike? How do I get an advantage over my opponents on the road, on the slope? How do I improve my performance? The best upgrade a cyclist can make to your bike is on your wheels; lightweight carbon wheels. You will not believe the difference when you try a pair of carbon wheels, they are far more responsive, offer more control and are smoother than their alloy counterparts. 

How to manufacture carbon wheels rim
Looking to upgrade your bike wheels and considering a carbon wheelset? Learn about the carbon fibre manufacturing process used to create these high-performance wheels in this informative article. Discover the materials, techniques and quality control measures that go into producing a carbon rim, and gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of using this premium material. Whether you're a professional rider or just looking to improve your cycling experience, this article is a must-read for anyone interested in investing in a top-quality carbon wheelset.

Buyer‘s Guide For Aero Bike Wheels
This is a comple Buyer‘s Guide For Aero Bike Wheels. You will know how to choose aero bike wheels. The factors you should know.

AERO series wheels VS FL series wheels

We at ICAN are very proud of our carbon fiber aero road bike wheels. We felt our FL series carbon fiber wheels were a pinnacle of aero wheel design. For 2019 we have taken that design and pushed the engineering to bring you a lighter wheelset with all the same great qualities. For 2019 we bring you our Aero series of carbon fiber road bike wheels.

Alpha Series Road Bike Wheelsets
For a couple of years we wanted to develop a budget-friendly, but reliable wheelset so that every rider can benefit of the improved riding experience a carbon wheel can give. This is why we want to introduce to you the latest Alpha road bike wheelsets.

The important things you need know about Bottom Brackets
BB30 was devised by Cannondale, and BB86/92 is a Shimano designed standard. They both require similar maintenance, and we’ll be showing you how to keep your bearings bringing you top performance.

How to choose the right tires and wheelset
It is well known within the road bike community that narrower tires are faster than a wider tire. A narrow tire rolls faster than a wide tir...

How To Understand Bicycle Tire Pressures

The best way to find the most suitable bike tire pressure is to refer to the advice of professionals or shops. Generally speaking, they will indicate the recommended tire pressure on the product details page.

Even if you own a perfect bike, you should not ignore the detail of bike tire pressure. Remember: a suitable bike tire pressure can always give you a better riding experience.